About TKS

Tony is CEO of TKS Partnerships Limited, a UK-based technology marketing and business strategy consultancy. He has more than 37 years experience in a wide range of R&D as well as marketing and business development roles. He works with a range of clients from semiconductor and electronics companies to government departments and industry bodies.

Mixed Signal: powering a very different wave of disruption

As a thirty-something year veteran of the electronics and semiconductor industries, I’ve seen a few changes in my time. I remember the first DSPs; the start of HDLs like Verilog and VHDL replacing logic diagrams; the first examples of on-chip RAM (anyone remember bit-slice processors?). And I’ve seen extraordinary changes in technology, from TTL breadboards in my early years, through to integrating multi-core 64-bit CPU+GPU-based systems for mobile in the past decade. It’s been an amazing journey, but driven by digital integration and high volume specmanship – and will bear little resemblance to what’s coming next. The semiconductor industry [...]

By |2017-08-07T14:13:04+01:00July 28th, 2017|Semiconductors|Comments Off on Mixed Signal: powering a very different wave of disruption

Stop humanising robots- they will create jobs!

As part of my work with the ElecTech Council, I am working with the Industrial Digitalisation Review led by Juergen Maier to assess the impact of automation and robotics on the future of manufacturing. It's fascinating stuff. The opportunities for UK companies to apply our exceptional systems engineering skills to the 4th Industrial Revolution are tantalising. From integrated electronics to maximise the local processing power in a robot, to advanced communications systems managing the myriad real-time sensors throughout the factory, through to smart energy management and state of the art electric motors - we have so many of the [...]

By |2017-08-07T14:13:38+01:00July 12th, 2017|Automation|Comments Off on Stop humanising robots- they will create jobs!

ElecTech – the industry sector you’ve never heard of

Last October, I was asked to take over as CEO of what was then known as "ESCO" - the Electronic Systems Community. ESCO was originally created in 2011 by the NMI and GAMBICA as a result of the Minister for Business Mark Prisk, who asked them to pull together the industry to document what the electronic systems community actually did and how government could help them. The result was the ESCO report, and I was proud to be an active participant in its creation. I was concerned that much of the momentum of ESCO had been lost since the [...]

By |2017-08-07T14:14:11+01:00July 12th, 2017|ElecTech|Comments Off on ElecTech – the industry sector you’ve never heard of